Monday, October 15, 2012

Back on "track"

Over the last few weeks with kids’ sports, teaching, classes, family obligations, colds…you know…life, there’s been little time for me much less me and running.  So, today, I got back to the track and got my normal three miles on but there was a lot of walk in my run.  It’s funny how quickly your body loses its memory for the run.  My head buzzed (that could be from my passing cold), my heart was beating fast, and my legs didn’t hurt but probably will tomorrow.  With all my minor discomforts, it felt good to be outside and running again.  As I’ve gotten older, exercise has been crucial in being able to eat the occasional Reese’s Peanut Butter Sundae (hypnotically, of course).  It’s easy to watch the pounds creep back on  - they’re sneaky like that.  On this beautiful fall day, I was glad to get back on track!