Injury Derails 100 mile challenge
Made it through Prague with the ankle holding on. It was absolutely beautiful. Amazing! I could write many a blog post on beautiful Prague.
The day we got home I called the Orthopedist. My ankle was still slightly swollen and sore. I got an appointment (a week later). He gave me a better brace and sent me to Physical Therapy. I have Googled everything about sprained ankles. How long does it take to heal? Running after a sprained ankle. Recovery of a sprained ankle. Treatment. I really got no great answers. Honestly, the ER lead me to believe I would be good to go in about 2 weeks or maybe that’s is what I wanted to hear. Now they are saying 4-6 weeks. I’m doing my exercises; icing it, take my ibuprofen and going to therapy.
I took me a while to get the words down for this. I sound dispassionate writing this but I was so devastated. Running is a release for me as I am sure it is for many. It helps keep me grounded as well as my weight in check. I was running and getting better each day with longer runs - then BOOM!
I’m starting back to school tomorrow. Summer vacation is over! I am going to do everything I can to get this ankle better. I know there are thousand of worse things than my little sprained ankle. I’m just trying to positive.