Sunday, December 28, 2014

First Half Marathon

Baltimore Half Marathon

I’ve run a ½ marathon.  Here’s how it went ~

I have a new position at work, which I love.  It has taken toll on running, actually work in general, takes it toll on running.  Ahhh, Summer, run when you want early morning, late at night – any time – just beat the heat.  The sun is out all day and all night.  I truly didn’t appreciate it when it was here. 
My training was less then stellar for the ½ but I was determined to go forward.  I felt like I had conquered the 12-mile race in August.  I knew I could do this even if it wasn’t going to be perfect.
I always get crazy nervous the night before a race. We made arrangements to stay downtown.  We did it last year when we ran the 5k.  It was so awesome to walk out the door and the race is right there.  It also allowed us to go to the expo the night before and not have to go to Baltimore twice.  My husband could of picked up the packet for us but then I couldn’t shop.  We arrived at the expo.  I love looking around and my husband is usually done in 5 minutes and patiently waits for me.  I think I bought six 13.1 magnets and ½ zip for each of us, oh yeah, and some finisher glasses.  If I was going 13.1 I wanted proof and souvenirs. 
After we got done we went to dinner at a nice little Italian restaurant near the hotel.  Now I am usually wound pretty tight before any race and my husband usually takes it in stride.  I am  careful about what I eat before a 5k but a ½ marathon – very careful.  I ordered some pasta  - not creamed based which I would of love, a salad and a glass a wine, although if I don’t think I even drank half.  My husband on the other hand, he ordered and gin and tonic (fine) and that creamed based pasta.  Then he ordered another G & T.  You’re having two?  Okay…  I was anxious just looking at his food.  He totally enjoyed everything.  Then, he got dessert.  A big, giant dessert and enjoyed every morsel of it.  Gulp.  I was hoping it would be okay for him. 

There he is, enjoying it all!

Here’s the thing, when you’re running a race the next day it’s not like you are going to go out and party the night before so we went back to the hotel and rented a movie, A Million Ways to Die in the West with Seth McFarlane.  It was pretty funny and kept my mind off the next day.
Then sleep, sleep, sleep.
As I said, we walked right out to the start of the half then had to walk like a ½ mile to our wave.  My goal was to make it to the lake with mile 7-8, all running, then rest I would see how it went.
The first 6 miles were okay.  My husband and I usually don’t run together but he was recovering for an injury and we took it slow together.  Then my left knee start bothering me.  I had to walk some and around that beautiful lake.  Then it kind of worked it self out.  I ran most and walked some.  When running the Charles Street 12, there were lots of landmarks.  I’m sure there were landmarks just none that I really knew.  After lake we went through Charles Village, that was cool.  There were college kids out cheering us on.  At one point there was a table with Natty Boh shots.  I thought it better that I did not indulge.  I some how caught up to my husband around mile 10.  Meghan Trainor’s All About that Bass came on my iPod, went over what I call the Artscape bridge (really, it’s the Howard Street Bridge) and I pushed through for the last 3 miles. 

Running Selfie on the Bridge

Getting Closer!

Zaching towards the finish

Hubby finished a couple minutes before me even with that big meal.  He still is teasing me but I’m still not eating a big meal before a race.   My official time was 2:48.53.  
I’ve signed up for next half.  It’s in May.  The St. Michael’s Half Marathon.  It supposed to be incredible flat because the Baltimore Half was not.  
One of my favorite running slogans is "I love running...when I'm done!"  Look how happy I look!

I could of used this guy about mile 7!

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