Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Charles Street 12 - A Recap

My husband and I began running together last September.  We were getting more excited about running together and signing up for more and more races.  We had completed the Shamrock 5K and the Sole of the City 10k, and we were training for the Charles Street 12 miler as the third leg to the B3 race series (cool backpack and extra medal).  Then in late June my husband suffered a stress fracture near his ankle on his right leg.  He was okay but it of course was going to take time to heal and get back to running.  Should I continue to train?  Should I wait for him?  We decided I should continue.  So for the rest of the summer I did a 3-mile run, a 5-mile run and a long run on the weekend.  The long runs were not pretty. I built up 8, 9, 10, and finally 11 miles with lots of stopping in between.  Towards the end of my training I was my own worst enemy.  I sometimes couldn’t run more then 2 miles without stopping.  I couldn’t figure out what was wrong.  I decided to incorporate some on the Run/Walk method.  The last few runs I ran 3 minutes and walked 1 minute.  This was supposed to be a 10-minute mile.  Ha!   I thought this would be the only way I could get through the 12 miles.
The weeks prior to the race I was a mess.  I was a bag of nerves and all I could think about was getting through this and would I get through this.

Race Day

My husband, graciously, drove me to the start.  I felt terrible for him because I knew how much he would love this race and terrible for me because I was petrified.  The weather could not have been any more perfect.  It was cool, but not sunny.  It was certainly not like August in Baltimore.  Good omen – and the night before the Orioles had won 12 to 2.  Twelve: I thought that was a good sign, too. 

I almost started to cry as we started – I just keep thinking – I’ll just go slow, if I have to walk, I have to walk, just keep moving forward. 
Running toward Towson University - my alma mater

My plan was to run the first 3-6 miles before having to use my walk run method. 

I was expecting the hills because I had read everything there was to read about last year's race and talked to several people.  
 I ran the first 6 miles without walking.  What??  I did have little water breaks – they had lots of stops- the first one was around 1.5 miles and the second was about 2.5 miles, and then it seemed like a long time till the next one. 
1/2 way done!  

I couldn’t believe I had gotten to mile 6 without stopping, and then I got to mile 7.  I think one of things that really helped me was seeing all the people walking.  People were walking by the first ½ mile.  I wasn't competing with these people, but I knew when I did have to walk there would be others walking.  My pace was about 11:20 for the first 7 miles.  I was happy as a clam. 
Mile 8 to 9 was hard.  I walked a minute during that mile.
Getting close to Hopkins

33rd Street

Runner who (you can't tell) but was juggling the whole time!

Encouraging Smiley Face building

Man/Woman Statue - Follow it on twitter @manwomanstatue

The Belvedere - getting closer

I'm thinking - okay only a 5k left!

The back of the leg behind my knee was starting to hurt.  I was in the city now.  I was beginning to walk up hills and slow down, but I knew I would finish.  My slowest mile was 12:26.  For me, this is good! 
I keep thinking I have to be close to the Monument.  Where's the Monument?  Aww. Man.  It's all jacked up!!!


Coming toward the finish 

Running around Cross Street Market and Fed Hill was a bit of a blur. I was tired.  I saw the 11-mile marker .  Almost there: still really tired.

As we turned the corner to the Aquarium we only had about .60 mile to go - A little slice a heaven – one last water station!  All the water stations and there were plenty had sport drinks, too!  Very helpful.   This one last water station gave me a minute to regroup and finish strong.  On to the Inner Harbor.  This was great and strange because as the runners were thinning out it was hard to tell where to go – tourists were walking around.  Then I saw some of the photographers!  Big Smile!   Rounded the World Trade Center Building and I spotted my husband cheering me on – almost cried again and wanted to stop there!   I rounded the last corner with the hubby running with me a bit and crossed the finish line!!  2.21 minutes with a pace of 11:47.  My secret hope was to finish under 2:30.  My hope was under 2:45.  I was very pleased. 

On the way down to the race, I said to my husband – I’m not doing this anymore.  After the race – I couldn’t wait for our ½ marathon in October. 

It was a really great race.  Lots to look at and very organized.  Lots of hills but I was ready for them.  Thanks Charm City Run!