Thursday, September 25, 2014

Excuses, Excuses

I know everyone can think of excuses of reasons not to do things.  Excuses for not doing schoolwork, working on reports, practicing an instrument, not cleaning (really I don’t need an excuse for that) or any undesired activities.

My excuses have been stacking up for my lack of desire to run.  Lately, it has been because of my new responsibilities at work.  Here are some excuses that I’ve used in the past and will probably use again.

1.   It’s too cold
2.   It’s too hot
3.   It’s raining
4.   It’s snowing
5.   It’s a bit windy
6.   It’s too early
7.   It’s too late
8.   It’s getting dark
9.   I need to clean (today, I vacuumed while procrastinating)
10.   I ate too much
11.   I haven’t eaten enough
12.   I’m getting my …
13.   My iPod, watch is out of juice
14.  I’ll have more time tomorrow
15.  I have too many meetings
16.  I need to make dinner for the family
17.  My kids need a ride
18.  I need to go to the grocery store
19.  My body hurts (pick a part  - knee, hip, bunion)
20.  I think I’m getting a cold
21.  I am having some allergy thing -  Ah choo!
22.  Ohh, this movie is really good.
24.  I’m tired
25.  I just don’t want to!

So after, I got through excuses #3, #9, #21 and #22, #22 was a problem because Shall We Dance with Richard Gere and J Lo was a quite enchanting and I want to believe motivating.  I ran 5 miles in the rain.  Looking back, not changing into my contacts was a mistake.  I needed windshield wipers for my glasses.  As, I started running, Bruce Springsteen’s Viva Las Vegas came on. Good sign.  And as I trudged through the last mile, a song that my son introduced me to came on, I’m Ready by ARJ.  I knew I had it!  I would really prefer to not be ½ marathon training but I am.  It’s less than a month away.  It might not be pretty but it’s going to happen.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Listening to your body and new shoes

It’s back to school.  And that has put a slow down to my run time.  I have new responsibilities at work and it has consumed me for the last few weeks.  All the while the thought of my upcoming ½ marathon is looming.  I ran my 12-mile race (which I will repeat is almost a ½ marathon!!) and it went well.  But…I got to get back out there with some long runs.
So, Sunday, I got 6 miles in.  The first 3 were pretty good.  Then my body started talking to me.  My right hip start to ping.  It has been bothering me on and off for the last month.  Then my left knee start to tingle.  I usually wear a knee brace/wrap when I run longer runs.  Oh wait, now my arch of my right foot is starting to hurt.  Maybe I just need to stretch out.  Breathing is still good but that appears to be the only thing that might be because I’m going so slowly.  Here’s where I know that I have grown as a runner.  I stopped and walked.  It wasn’t for long but I knew I could do serious damage and not be able to run for a couple days or weeks if I didn’t put the brakes on. I got through the 6 miles. 

My husband is just back to running after a stress fracture.  He really needed to get properly fitted for shoes and my shoes were showing wear even though I got them at the end of February.  I checked the store I usually go to and they closed at 4.  I googled the next nearby store and discover Road Runners.  I had been there once or twice.  Well, holla!  They were serious business, very professional and excited that we were getting shoes.  I also got re-fitted and was pleased that I was in the proper shoe.  I wound up getting the same shoes I have.  I was happy!  I got in a short two miles on Wednesday and tried my new shoes on Thursday for 4 miles.  I’m hoping they will break in quickly or they are going back.  Even though they are the same shoe they were bothering my bunion.  This will not due!
Tomorrow is a 5k race, a special one – it benefits, Zaching for Cancer. 
What a difference a year makes.  Last year, at this time, if I was preparing for a 5k in the morning I would be nervous and slightly panicking.  Tonight, I’m wondering what time I have to get up.  I’ll save my nerves for the morning.