Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Building Stamina

When 3 miles becomes the standard instead of the goal

Stamina has been in my vocabulary a lot this year.  I started doing a new program at school called the Daily 5.  Implementing the program has helped to teach my students to build stamina by practicing reading and writing.  It has lots of other great stuff and it has been wonderful for my class this year.  Never did I think my first graders could read for 20 minutes in a row without stopping – real reading.  It was the same with writing.  And that brings to my own stamina – I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to run a 5K again.  I just couldn’t run 3 miles in a row.  I always did three miles but there was always a lot of walking.  I would run but when I’d get to those hills, I’d walk.  With the Color Run looming upon me I had to push through.  So one day I ran up those hills.  I pushed myself from 2 miles to 3 miles. The first time I ran three mile in a row without stopping I wanted to tell everyone and this was very important. 

3 miles.   In a row.    Without stopping.            Real Running

Running is hard for me.  Today, I ran 4 miles.  Then we went to pick up our son from the skateboard park and I did another 1.5 miles.  Perhaps, I overdid it.  More than perhaps since I can hardly move now. 

The Color Run was so much fun.  I did it with some buds from work.  I ran it 31.03 which I was thrilled.  I would of loved to do it 30.59 but that’s okay.  It was actually untimed.  I used My Map My Walk App.  My husband has agreed to run the 5K with the Baltimore Running Festival in October.  Our cute Under Armor training shirts came today.  People have said oh, you’re going to get so into this…you’ll want to do a Half Marathon or Marathon.  NEVER and NO WAY.   But maybe a 10K…

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